Film - 3(A)
Film Pro dospělé
Kdy 9. 9. 2024 | 18:30

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ASEAN+ Film Festival 2024
Filmová přehlídka krátkých i celovečerních filmů asijských zemí

Hlavní hrdinka Khawng Sai nikdy nepoznala své rodiče, neumí číst a s životem se pere téměř bez prostředků. Než potkává ženu jménem A Ma Soe. Jaký osud teď na ni čeká? Film je založený na skutečných událostech, nahlíží do života žen, které se dosud nedočkaly rovných práv ve společnosti. Myanmar 2019, Aung Chan Lu, CZ & EN tit., 122 min.

The film „3(A)“ portrays the life of Khawng Sai, who was abandoned as a child, never knowing his parents, unable to read, and penniless. Amidst her struggles to survive, she meets a woman named A Ma Soe. What fate awaits Khawng Sai following this encounter? Is there a need for a law to protect women like her? The movie delves into the lives of a marginalized class that has yet to receive equal rights. Specifically, it focuses on the experiences of oppressed girls, depicted through a series of twists based on true events. It awakes to promote the rights of women and awareness among the society. Even the actress, who performed as A Ma Soe in the movie, was on the nominees' list for best supporting actress at the Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards.