Film - Em & Trinh
Film Pro dospělé
Em & Trinh
Kdy 5. 9. 2024 | 18:30

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ASEAN+ Film Festival 2024
Filmová přehlídka krátkých i celovečerních filmů asijských zemí

Romantický hudební film začíná v 90. letech v Paříži osudovým rozhovorem mezi Trinh Cong Sonem – jedním z největších vietnamských hudebníků všech dob, který je označován za vietnamského Boba Dylanda, a Michiko – japonskou studentkou, která se zabývá Trinhovou hudbou v rámci své diplomové práce. Michiko přijíždí do Vietnamu a její obdiv k Trinhovi se postupně mění v tajnou lásku. Vietnam 2022, Phan Gia Nhật Linh, CZ & EN tit., 136 min.

Em và Trịnh
The movie begins in the 90s in Paris with a fateful interview between Trinh Cong Son – one of the greatest musicians of all time in Vietnam who is referred to as Bob Dyland of Vietnam and Michiko – a Japanese student who is researching for her thesis on Trinh’s music. Trinh Cong Son suggested she come to Vietnam if she wanted to deeply understand his music, and she did. While accompanying Trinh Cong Son to many of his old places and listening to his sharings, her admiration for Trinh gradually turns into secret love. His romantic memories are recalled with the parallel storytelling method between the past and reality. As the story goes along, audiences are introduced to his 5 muses who had the greatest impacts on his life.
Bich Diem is a graceful schoolgirl who is passing by his attic every day in a white traditional Ao Dai. Trinh fell in love with her elegance from the very first sight but this is not a long story as Diem had to move to another city. Dao Anh is Bich Diem’s younger sister who later turns out to be his greatest love after a long time being a “mailman” for Trinh and her sister. In contrast with Diem, Anh is a summer breeze, a shining sunflower with an adorable and energetic smile. Anh and Trinh Cong Son has made one of the most poetic & emotional love in Vietnam music history with hundreds of romantic letters and songs.