Film - Tun-chuang, moje láska
Film Pro dospělé
Tun-chuang, moje láska
Kdy 4. 9. 2024 | 18:30

Vstupné 0 Kč

ASEAN+ Film Festival 2024
Filmová přehlídka krátkých i celovečerních filmů asijských zemí

Životní příběh badatelky Fan Jinshi, „dcery Dunhuangu“, která zasvětila celý svůj profesní život historickému místu, jeskyním Mogao Grottoes, které se nacházejí v pusté oblasti na severozápadě Číny.
Čína 2023, Miao Yue, CZ & EN tit., 101 min.

Great Love Dunhuang
The film recounts the life story of Fan Jinshi, “Daughter of Dunhuang” and recipient of the National Honour, who stood firm in the desert and guarded the world’s treasure, the Mogao Caves. Rooted in Dunhuang for more than 50 years, Fan Jinshi, together with her colleagues at the Dunhuang Academy, fought against the sandy winds of the Northwest, rescuing and protecting every piece of cultural relics in the Mogao Caves. “The Mogao Caves must not be lost in our generation. ” As time moves into the millennium, in the face of the wave of marketisation and tourists from all directions, Fan Jinshi has discovered that the greatest threat to the national treasures in the Mogao Caves has never been just the natural environment, but the ill-intentioned people…... In her later years, she had to get out of the “cave” she had worked all her life.